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Host Oxton


We are pleased to welcome Host as our newest wholesale coffee partner ☕️

Located in the scenic village of Oxton, Host are currently serving up our Colombian coffee from La Esperanza, alongside their dishes produced with locally-sourced ingredients and suppliers.

We caught up with the team to find out how they started in the village of Oxton, the importance of a transparent supplier and why they chose to partner with us.


Host Oxton Interior


What is the ethos behind Host?

Our ethos is formed from having strong views on ethically sourced products, sustainability, considering all aspects of the environment and supporting local independents.

We advocate the use of good quality ingredients by using local suppliers and collaborating with other businesses who have the same ethos as us.


Why do you think Host and Jaunty Goat are a good partnership?

After coming across Jaunty Goat on social media, the company has amazing values in line with the core values of Host such as rainforest alliance. This partnership is important to us in order to evolve and grow as a business further.

The reason we wanted to work with Jaunty Goat is the support we receive as a whole – from helping us choose a machine to training our staff, Jaunty Goat is second to none, other roasters just don’t look after you like that!


What are the most popular products you offer?

At Host, our most popular products have to be our coffee and our açai bowls – sustainably and ethically sourced from Brazil.


Host Oxton


Host Oxton Interior


How important is it to know where your coffee is coming from?

It is important for us to know where the coffee we sell and serve comes from, as we know it has a significant impact on the taste and quality of a roast. But that’s not the only reason why it’s important to us! We also want to help and ensure the farmers who grow the coffee we offer are being taken care of and paid fairly.


Do you think it’s important to use local suppliers and support local businesses within your business?

The whole purpose of Host is to work in support of local Independent businesses, therefore the use of local suppliers is paramount for us – the only product which we do import is the Açaí, as it is sourced direct from the Amazon where it originates from. Our supplier (Grow Wild) has strong values and reinvests in the farms, making sure they have a safe environment.


What attracted you to start a business in Oxton? What drew you to the area?

Oxton village is a magnetic spot in the heart of the Wirral, it has heritage and tradition, yet still has a modern twist.

There are very few places like this in suburbia that accommodates and welcomes the creatives, the people watchers, the youth and the mature.


Host Oxton Food


Host Oxton Menu


With sustainability and the environment in mind, Host are brewing our coffee on the Victoria Ardiuno Eagle One – one of the most energy efficient espresso machines around, built with recycled materials, and a unique heat retention system, using 23% less energy than similar machines in the same category.

They are also serving our coffee on retail with our carbon-neutral and recyclable packaging ♻️


Host Oxton Coffee


Host Oxton Coffee Packaging


Host is open to sit-in or takeaway daily, from 7:30am – 4pm on Monday to Friday, 9am – 4pm on Saturday, and 10am – 3pm on Sunday.

To find out more information about our coffees, sourcing or how to apply as a wholesale partner, visit our wholesale page.

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