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In March, we flew out to Costa Rica to visit Aquiares Estate – home to our Costa Rica, Aquiares Estate coffee.

For three years, we have been in a direct-trade relationship with Diego Robelo, from who we have purchased 18,975 kg of coffee.

Known for their efforts towards sustainability, Aquiares Estate is the basis of an ongoing study between the CIRAD Institute of France and the CATIE University of Costa Rica. Measuring the greenhouse gas exchange between the farm plot and the atmosphere, the “Carbon-Flux” project can eventually be used to estimate the carbon sequestration potential of a coffee farm. This research will help other coffee farmers to manage their farms carbon output.


Aquiares Estate in Costa Rica


Here’s what our Operations Manager Elinor Summers, had to say about her experience at Aquiares:

“I found it particularly interesting at how much nature was integrated into the farm’s ecosystem. Before visiting, I imagined the farm would be fields, with rows of plants and maybe some trees, etc. But the amount of wildlife and shade trees was quite mind blowing. It made it very easy to see and understand how the farm’s carbon output is so low. It was amazing to see the coffee processes, from growing, harvesting, processing, testing, and shipping. We also enjoyed seeing how supportive the farm is towards whole community, and the atmosphere was very welcoming and inclusive.”


Aquiares became the first farm in the country to fulfil the requirements of the Rainforest Alliance Climate Module. Their emissions are tracked to certify that they do not meaningfully contribute towards climate change.

Visiting Aquiares was an opportunity that we took to learn more about our product and where it comes from. With traceability being one of our core values, these trips are important to watch the process of our product. The team even got to see the exact plants that were growing our future coffee beans!


Aquiares Estate


Ellie Robertson, our Shop Manager also went on the trip:

“Aquiares not only grows exceptionally high quality coffee, they care so much about the environment and have taken incredible steps to be the most sustainable, Rainforest alliance certified farm in Costa Rica. The local community prospers from coffee growing, putting the industry at the heart of the community and its culture.

I also had the pleasure of drinking local coffees brewed with the Vandola, the most traditional method of Costa Rican coffee making – a hand made clay pot with a pouring spout and a funnelled top for filtering the coffee through it. It really signified to me just how special coffee is in Costa Rica, and by having the opportunity to experience it personally, the coffee tasted even better.”


Diego Robelo and Picker with coffee cherries


We are excited to develop more relationships with coffee farmers in the future!

Our Costa Rica, Aquiares Estate coffee is available to purchase here. Currently roasted for espresso to be enjoyed with milk, we found taste notes of sweet nectarine and caramel.

For every order placed on our web shop, we contribute towards the planting of one tree, with One Tree Planted.

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